The Strange Courtship of Kathleen O’Dwyer

Review Excerpts:
Creole Israel Mongrief says of the heroine of this saga, “Once you sets your aim on something, you don’t back off”—and he isn’t wrong. What is strangest about Katherine O’Dwyer’s courtship is how much of it, the stone backwardness of men being what it is, she must conduct herself. As intrepid as his heroine, author Robert Temple has dared to imagine himself deep into the experience of a freedom-seeking woman of 1828 as she heads west over the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains, through invisible Apaches, facing cold bear meat for breakfast, and becoming midwife to a barely adolescent girl. The Strange Courtship of Kathleen O’Dwyer is a page-turner with grit and heart.
- Janet Burroway, author of The Buzzards, Raw Silk, Opening Nights, Bridge of Sand, Cutting Stone, Eyes, The Dancer from the Dance, Descend Again, and the memoir Losing Tim: The Life and Death of an American Contractor in Iraq.
At first, The Strange Courtship of Kathleen O’Dwyer seems like an old-fashioned Western . . . . but keep reading. Temple’s novel isn’t your great-grandfather’s Zane Gray or your grandfather’s Louis L’Amour. It goes deeper psychologically and farther geographically than the everyday Western, with just as much action and narrative propulsion.
- Susy Faye (Lillybeech) October 24, 2022, LibraryThing and StoryGraph
Kathleen O’Dwyer is made of stronger mettle than the average woman. . . . Robert Temple immediately pulls you right into the story, and the pacing, with its great balance of action-packed scenes and quieter moments, never feels unnecessarily slow. The characters are memorable and very well written. My favorite was Kathleen herself. I was consistently amazed by how brave she was, especially with all she had to face. Through the author’s atmospheric writing, the world of the Old West comes to life. I was blown away by the vivid descriptions of New Mexico and the Rocky Mountains.
- Elizabeth K. Corbett, February 2023, The Historical Novel Society.
The Strange Courtship of Kathleen O’Dwyer is in no way an American cowboy saga or tale of pioneers. . . . The land belongs to the Comanches, Apaches, Tewa, other Native tribes, and Spanish missionaries and soldiers from Mexico. Mountain men. . . know the territory better than anyone but the Natives. . . . There is a definite episodic quality to Kathleen’s journey
- Dr. Jane A. Jones, November 10, 2022, LibraryThing.
It’s a fine tale of the West with a uniquely strong woman protagonist. The narrative is rich with details of New Mexico and the mountain men as well as life in mid-19th century West. . . . You will enjoy the panoramic tale of Kathleen, school teacher, sharp shooter and heroic character.
- Prof. Sandy Robison, October 2022, Barnes & Noble
This book made me laugh, cry a little, and get very angry for Kathleen who was strong and way before her time in regard to women’s rights. As Kathleen’s character developed I found myself wanting to be her friend and this made the book hard to put down. Mr. Temple’s mastery of the written word will keep you captivated and sometimes returning to reread his descriptions of the geography as the story develops. One of the best reads I’ve experienced in a long time, certainly a must read.
- Connie J. Tice, July 15, 2023, Amazon
I loved the historical details . . . The scenery is magnificently described to where I was transported to see and feel the dust, the heat, the cold, the sweat, etc. The main character of Kathleen O’Dwyer is a delight.
- Amy Russo, March 27, 2023, Amazon
It’s been so long since I’ve read a western that I’d forgotten how exciting they can be. Even though I haven’t read a bunch of books in this genre, I’ve never read one with a female protagonist. . . . The book has a lot of action. . . . however, there is also a more character-driven side to it. The latter was my favorite part of the story.
- Audrey Rostron (Oceanwriter) December 19, 2022, Oceanwriter Reads, LibraryThing, StoryGraph and GoodReads
Kathleen is a strong willed independent woman, only problem with that is she is a school teacher in 1828 in the Wild West. This historical western is a delight to read, it has plenty of action and the characters are very well written. For those who love a strong female main character, this is one book you don’t want to miss.
- Michelle Steiger (Zenwldflwr) February 8, 2023, GoodReads and zenwldflwr
The Strange Courtship of Kathleen O’Dwyer is a captivating story of adventure, culture, and history. . . . Temple takes his readers on an action-packed journey through the desert back in the 19th century. He makes sure to provide vivid descriptions of each scene, making the readers feel like they were actually there. He also knows when to throw a bit of humor into his story.
- Nila Eslet, December 22, 2022, GoodReads and The Catalyst
In a story that sweeps across vast swaths of land and between moments of intense action, the writing vividly depicts the perils arising from both nature and man. . . . The concept of being changed by your surroundings and experiences comes across easily, particularly with how the harsh clime and expectations of life in the West impact and harden Kathleen. . . . she’s a strong woman, both in physical ability, mental fortitude, and stubborn determination, who becomes only more so as she embraces her independence and power the further she ventures.
- Jen Paul, December 21, 2022, GoodReads and Making Good Stories
Temple has a very easy to read writing style and is fantastic at descriptives, almost making you feel like you can close your eyes and see what Kathleen is seeing.
- Amy McElroy, January 20, 2023, GoodReads and Amy McElroy
The Strange Courtship of Kathleen O’Dwyer by Robert Temple sends readers on a thrilling journey across the Great Plains, into New Mexico, and across the Rocky Mountains. . . . The adventures made the story quick, but I appreciated it most in the quiet, contemplative passages between all the action. Those who enjoyed Karen Kondazian’s The Whip or Jim Fergus’s One Thousand White Women: The Journals of May Dodd will love this book, and book clubs will spend hours discussing its ending.
Suzanne Bergin, December 8, 2022, GoodReads and Literary Larks Reviews
The story overall is action packed. . . . It’s always amazing to me to think about all the people who took the chance and moved West. Hardy people who wanted nothing more than to be free and have something of their own. The characters are well written, and the author does a good job of describing the scenes so it is almost like you’re there.
Katy Morrison (The Sleepy Reader) January 17, 2023, GoodReads and The Sleepy Reader’s Reviews
This story is well-written and contrasts the life of a married woman with that of a single woman. Survival is a constant struggle, and the town’s people expect Kathleen to turn and run back to the East from whence she came. They do not know the real Kathleen! I enjoyed this book immensely and the comparison of her life to our lives today is remarkable.
CE Williams, March 5, 2023, GoodReads and
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. . . as Westerns are my favorite Genre (I have read at least 200 hundred Westerns). This book is not your average Western with predictable street gunfights at high noon, but it is more a frontier American story.
Daniel Parliman, June 15, 2023, GoodReads
Kathleen quickly realizes the need to be resourceful, learn to ride a horse, and shoot a gun to survive. Readers will enjoy rich descriptive details of the New Mexico landscape and mid-19th century life, while learning about political unrest between Mexicans and Spaniards and skirmishes between various Native American tribes.
Sue Ready, February 4, 2023, GoodReads and Every Ready Book Reviews
Kathleen O’Dwyer, a schoolteacher by trade, left her home to go on an incredible adventure with nothing but the supplies in her wagon and faith as a guide. Along this journey, she meets James Colter, who joins Kathleen’s convoy – together, they traverse sun-drenched deserts, navigate treacherous mountain passes and discover new cultures meeting fascinating people of all backgrounds. . . . This story had it all, thrilling action, stirring romance, and engaging characters. It was an entertaining journey that kept me captivated until the very end!
Robin Ginther-Venneri, February 11,2023, GoodReads and Robin’s Reviews
An Old Wild West narration from the point of view of a woman. . . in a world so dominated by males. . . . However, our protagonist Katheen is a powerful woman who will stand her ground against the men that will try to belittle her, giving us a strong message of feminism. . . . Despite this great message, it’s not a heavy story and you will enjoy the amazing adventures of the strong and adventurous Kathleen in the Old Wild West, among mountain men, lancers and Native Americans.
Emanuele (Raven), December 7, 2022, GoodReads and Raven Nest
I have never read a book that was based in the Wild West. I don’t think I even really watched a Wild West movie. But . . . Kathleen was one of the most badass main characters I have ever read. . . . I can’t wait to see what else this author has to offer.
Lacy White, August 3, 2023, GoodReads and StoryGraph